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    INGREDIENTS: 1 15-ounce can pumpkin puree 1/2 cup vegetable or another neutral cooking oil 3 large eggs 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon fine sea or table...

    (BASED ON REMARKS DELIVERED AT THE SHLOSHIM IN JERUSALEM, 23 MAR CHESHVAN) The Torah relates ּהָתֹּכְבִלְו†הָרָׂשְל†דֹּפְסִל†≠םָהָרְבַא†אֹבָּיַו†- Avraham eulogizes Sarah. But the Torah doesn’t tell us what Avraham said. Why doesn’t the...

    “Va’yetar Yitzchok l’HaShem, l’nochach ishtoh ki akoroh hee – Yitzchok entreated HaShem opposite his wife, because she was barren.” (Bereishis 25:21) Rashi comments that Yitzchok stood in one corner, and Rivkah in...

    The Torah tells us that a kosher animal is one which has split hooves and chews its cud; pigs have split hooves, but because they do not chew their cud, are not kosher. The Rabbis of the Medrash tell a parable of...

    WHY WERE THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF JUDAISM ENTHRALLED BY WELLS? FREE PLOWING Back in the ‘40s, a Jewish guy was arrested for smuggling guns into Israel, then known as Palestine. He was...

    Perfect Order The Chofetz Chaim gave the following mashal: There was a man visiting a distant city. Shabbos morning, he went to the community’s beis kneses and watched the gabai give...