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    I. Sending Mail The way we deliver mail has changed over the years. We now send letters primarily through e-mail and have major and minor purchases delivered. I thought it would...

    The Gemara in Sota, daf yud alef, amud bais describes the reward that was received by the midwives in Mitzrayim for not killing the Jewish male babies. The posuk says,...

    I. Anger Is Bad Anger is a destructive force. It does not just cloud judgment, which would imply reliance on instinct. Anger overwhelms judgment, taking you in directions to which your...

     Toward the beginning of this week’s parsha, Parshas Vayechi, Yaakov Avinu blessed his grandchildren, Ephraim and Menashe. He told them that Yisroel will bless their children to be like Ephraim...

    Ingredients: 1 cup dried chickpeas 1/2 large onion, roughly chopped (about 1 cup) 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley 2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh cilantro 1 teaspoon salt 1/2-1 teaspoon dried hot red pepper 4 cloves of...