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    “And You Shall Take for Me Teruma” — Doing For Oneself This week’s parsha contains the section in the Torah that deals with the building of the Mishkan. The Torah tells us that the Jewish people were commanded...

    Parshas Terumah is all about generosity and giving. This trait translates practically into our most important relationships. Rav Elya Lopian, Zt”l, introduced a fundamental lifetime concept: To strengthen one’s love for another person, one should give to that person. This...

    This week’s parashah discusses the halachos of how to build the Mishkan. The Torah applies to all generations, so there is a concept of Mishkan even today. It states, (25:8) Ve’esu Li Mikdash Ve’shachanti Besochum, “They shall make for me a...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 spaghetti squash 1 red pepper 1 onion 1 14.5 oz can fire roasted, diced tomatoes with garlic 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese 1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese DIRECTIONS: Cut and scoop out the seeds from two spaghetti squashes . Season...

    This week’s parsha, Terumah, details the construction of the Mishkan, and its vessels. “V’asu Li Mikdash, v’shachanti b’socham, And they shall make me a Sanctuary, so that I will dwell among them. “ (Shemos...