This is an example of how much Rabbi Kelemer loved each and every Jew. He encouraged us to reach out to others, especially during times which we feel are challenging...
This is an example of how much Rabbi Kelemer loved each and every Jew. He encouraged us to reach out to others, especially during times which we feel are challenging...
Rabbi Yehuda Lieb Kelemer, zt”l, 74, is credited with leading the West Hempstead, Long Island community to flourish over the past number of decades. Assuming the role of mara d’asra...
Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer He was my rabbi, my teacher, my guide and, for a few minutes many years ago, my brother. With extraordinary knowledge of Torah, a passion for teaching,...
This past erev shabbos , the West Hempstead Community, and Klal Yisroel at large, lost a tremendous Talmid Chochom and Tzaddik, Harav Yehuda Kelemer ZT”L. I would like to share...
My heart is broken, along with thousands of others, at the loss of my morah d’asrah Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer zt”l. I was blessed to grow up in West Hempstead, NY...
So many stories about our Rav Yehuda Kelemer Z”L have been circulating. All with the same themes of his unmatched compassion and sensitivity to us during tremendous times of sorrow...
After watching the funeral of Rav Yehuda Kelemer, zt”l, much of what was said is reflected in my own relationship with him. I am a YU musmach, so often when...
When HaRav Yitzchak Asher Twersky ztl gave a eulogy for Rav Soloveitchik ztl, he began with a Gemara recounting how Rebi told his students, אל תספדוני בעיירות , “do not...
A true giant in every sense of the word a role model, mentor, colleague and dear friend who sincerely cared about every individual like they were his own. His Ahavas...
Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer, the rabbi of the shul in which I grew up, just passed away. I want to tell you a story about Rabbi Yehuda Kelemer zt’l that I...