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    While preparing a dish for cooking, one is often unsure if he has to check the eggs for blood spots. In addition, companies receive eggs in various forms and the...

    Ahavas Yisrael Since ahavas Yisrael is from the principle themes of the Torah, we will take a few moments to discuss some stories of tzaddikim on this topic: Rebbe Dovid...

    In his opening comment on the parsha, Rashi points out (quoting the tana’im) that the correct location of the Sanhedrin is in the Beis Hamikdosh. The particular room (known as...

    Some 250 years ago, one of the greatest halachic sages of all time, the Noda Bi’yehudah, received a shocking letter. Maybe the only thing more shocking than the letter is the...

    Yisro made the astute observation, “Now I know that Hashem is the true G-d, “Ki badavar asher zadu aleihem,” that which the Egyptians plotted against the Jews befell upon them....