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    In the order of the mishnayos, Maseches Sotah follows Masaeches Nazir. The Talmud explains that this is based on the pesukim in parshas Naso, where the parshiyos of nazir and sotah are next to each other. The reason for...

    HaShem spoke to Moshe: “Speak to Aaron and his sons. This is how you shall bless the people of Israel. Say to them: May HaShem bless you and protect you. May HaShem...

    All of us, I imagine, find life stressful. But at least for most of us, it doesn’t have to be this way. The Torah in Parashat Naso discusses the laws of a nazir – the person...

    The Torah in Parashat Naso discusses the procedure of the "Sota," which was required when a husband had reason to suspect his wife of infidelity. He would bring her to the Bet Ha’mikdash where the Kohen would conduct a special...

    The Home A first grade melamed was confronted with a problem; one of the students of his class was stealing. He first realized that there was a problem when the children of his classroom began complaining that their snacks,...

    One of the mitzvos in Parshas Naso is the positive Biblical commandment for the Kohanim to bless the Jewish people on a daily basis. We in Chutz L’Aretz only practice this mitzvah on Yom Tov (the Shalosh Regalim, Rosh...

    INGREDIENTS; Sauce: 2 cups coke 1 cup puree tomato sauce 1 cup ketchup 2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 tbsp hot sauce 1.5 cup brown sugar 2 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp honey 1 cup veg broth 3 lbs...