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    “Bo el Pharaoh.” (Shemos 10:1)  “Bo” is understood in this context to mean “to go”, as HaShem is instructing Moshe to go to Pharaoh and plead on behalf of the Jewish...

    Tefillin  The end of this week’s parashah discusses the mitzvah of tefillin. The Yid HaKadosh of Peshischa zt’l said, “If I would think that it would be good for simple people...

    INGREDIENTS: 4 bags frozen chopped broccoli 6 cups chicken broth (can use vegetable to keep pareve our dairy) 1 large onion caramelized (I always keep a batch in the freezer) 1/2 cup margarine 1/4 cup...

    CleanSpeak profanity-filtering software, which is used by companies that host online communities and other discussion forums, says the volume of filtered inappropriate words has more than tripled in the past...

    Is there an issue with having a cleaning person in your house when you are not home? A cleaning lady is always an issue. There’s a fundamental issue with having a...

    The power of tefillah Many people wonder why their tefillos should be answered. They know their sins and faults, and it’s hard for them to imagine that Hashem is interested...

    One of the most common areas of halacha which people have different customs is in regard to drinking cholov stam. What is cholov stam? How is cholov Yisroel made? Do...