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    The Golden Trap Money is from the basic necessities of life — and it’s also from the greatest tests. A person who doesn’t approach the pursuit of earning parnassah in...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 large Spanish onions 3 medium carrots 1 large parsnip 2.5 lb. second-cut brisket Salt 1 cup dry red wine   DIRECTIONS: Brisket is a holiday regular in all Jewish homes. This is one of the easiest and best...

    Dishwashing Detergent Do dishwashing detergents require kosher supervision? It is generally assumed that dishwashing detergents are not edible entities, and halachically they do not have a non-kosher status, even if they contain...

    Dear Rabbi & Shira I’m a Baalas Teshuva struggling to find “the one.” Many people won’t date me because of my family background. The ones that do date me, I find...

    In the days of the Talmud taxes were collected for the purpose of enriching the king. Based on the parshas hamelech in Sefer Shmuel (Shmuel I 8:11), the Rabbis formulated...

    “Raunchy TikTok Talmud Tidbits Spark… Heated Discourse” This recent headline caught my attention (as it was designed to) and intensified a question that has been weighing on me: The internet in general,...

    As I was walking home from shul on Friday night, I was thinking about the sermon I had just delivered exhorting my congregants to always be on guard from the...