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    I was once talking to a mother in our community who has several significant challenges in her family. I asked her an innocuous question, something like, how are you doing or how is your day. Her response has...

    A French TV channel recently fell for a viral hoax, reporting a rumor that Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi had been killed by an Israeli agent named “Eli Kopter.” This fictitious story originated from an account linked to Hamas’ military...

    Parashat Behar begins with the mitzvah of shemitah, which forbids a farmer from working the land for an entire year every seven years. The Torah emphasizes that Hashem taught this mitzvah to Moshe Rabbenu at Har Sinai. Rashi, in...

    Elokai n’tzor concludes as we back up three steps and say a final petition. “Oseh shalom bimromav, Hu ya’aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol Yisroel, v’imru amein – He who makes peace in heaven, may He make peace amongst us...

    The Gemara (Succah 45:) states: Reb Shimon bar Yochai said, “I can free all people from judgment [that they won’t be punished for their aveiros]. Together with the merits of my son, Reb Elazer, I can redeem people from judgment from...

    Mikrah – coincidence. But we know that there are no coincidences in life. That all is b’yad HaShem – in HaShem’s hand. In fact, our rabbis teach that the word mikrah alludes to that...