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    ת”ח During the years terrible massacres ות”ט befell the European Jewish communities. The Tosfos Yom Tov zt’l, who lived during this time, proclaimed that the massacres were a punishment from...

    INGREDIENTS: 4 pears, peeled and diced 6 apples, peeled and diced 3/4 cup dried cranberries 1 teaspoon grated orange zest 1 teaspoon grated lemon zest 2 tablespoons orange juice 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup flour 1...

     I. Extent of the Prohibition The Gemara (Gittin 7a) asks from where we learn that music is forbidden. The Gemara answers with a few possible verses, including “Do not rejoice, Israel,...

     The Great Chastisement Is Having Been Wrong There is a Medrash in this week’s parsha on the pasuk [verse] regarding Yosef breaking down and revealing his true identity to his brothers....

      Many people feel that a fast day is a day to sleep and relax. However, a fast day is really a time for retrospecting and doing teshuva. Many different halachos...

    We read in Parashat Vayigash about the very powerful moment when Yosef, who was the second-in-command in Egypt¨†finally†revealed†to†his brothers who he was, saying the simple but dramatic words, אני†יוסף – “I...

    Even before the Covid pandemic, an “epidemic of loneliness” was compromising our physical and mental health and even our life expectancy. Despite people being more connected than ever now—through smartphones,...