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    I. Burial Conflict A frequent question arises when a spouse remarries after a death. After 120 years, should the woman be buried next to her first husband or second husband (or third)?...

    The first mishna in Berachos discusses the appropriate time for one to say Shema in the evening. The machlokes in the mishna discusses how late one may say it. Rabbeinu Yona says that everyone will agree that lekatchila one should say shema at tzeis hakochavim, as soon...

    KLAL YISRAEL IS CRYING    TRAGEDY IN FLATBUSH: Mother and Three Children Killed in Massive Brooklyn Blaze   Tragedy has struck Klal Yisrael and the Flatbush community, as a mother and three of her...

    I. Maimonides and the Menorah The exact shape of the menorah that was used in the Temple is, to a degree, a matter of debate. In particular, the shape of the branches...

    In his sefer, Even Yisroel, Reb Yisroel Salanter writes that the Ramban and Chovos Halevavos argue regarding bitachon and hishtadlus. He summarizes that there are two types of bitachon. One type may be categorized as the bitachon of the Ramban and the other may be...

    M any children are exposed to tragic or traumatic events during the course of their childhood.  When tragedy visits a family or community, children may feel vulnerable and threatened in a...

    The Torah world plunged into mourning following the passing of Rav Ahron Leib Shteinman on Tuesday morning at Mayanei Hayeshua Medical Center in Bnei Brak.Renowned and revered as one of the biggest...

    The posuk in Bereishis, Perek Mem Daled, posuk gimmel discusses the travels of the sons of Yaakov. The posuk states that it was the morning and that was when the shevatim loaded their donkeys and travelled. The Gemara in Pesachim, daf bais, amud alef learns...