Parashat Shemini tells of the events on the eighth and final day of the Mishkan’s inauguration. For seven days, special sacrifices were offered, and Aharon and his sons – the...
Parashat Shemini tells of the events on the eighth and final day of the Mishkan’s inauguration. For seven days, special sacrifices were offered, and Aharon and his sons – the...
The Gemorah (Moed Koton 14B) understands from the pesukim in parshas Shmini that the kohein gadol does not observe aveilus over the death of a relative. (See Sefer Ginat Egoz,...
We have just completed the “season of questions.” Just a few days ago, we bid farewell to a holiday that encourages us to challenge, to inquire, and to ask. Pesach...
Parashat Shemini tells of the events that took place “on the eighth day” – meaning, the day after the seven-day Miluim process during which Aharon and his sons were prepared...
The period between Pesach and Shavuos contains a mourning period–different days depending on one’s custom–during which certain joyous behaviors are forbidden (commonly called Sefirah because this period also includes the...
Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, a leading Chassidic Rabbi was one of the most prominent Rabbinic victims of the Holocaust. A leader of the Warsaw ghetto, he secretly ran a shul...
In Vayikra 9:22 the posuk tells us that Aharon lifted his hands and bentched Klal Yisroel. The Gemara in Sotah 38a says that we learn from the word “Ko“ that...
Are Animal Rights activists onto something? Absolutely! The Torah is very concerned about Tzar Balei Chaim, and we have to be concerned about it as well; we are very sensitive...
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup warm water 1 1/2 Tbsp yeast 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 cup oil 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 4 cups bread flour 1/2 Tbsp salt DIRECTIONS: The custom to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach...