09 May Video Game Idolatry
I. Video Game Avodah Zarah A recently released, ground-breaking video game raises important questions for Jews, who pride themselves on their devotion to monotheism. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
I. Video Game Avodah Zarah A recently released, ground-breaking video game raises important questions for Jews, who pride themselves on their devotion to monotheism. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the...
At this time of the year, Klal Yisroel breaks out one of its national treasures: the Mishnayos of Pirkei Avos. This anthology of select ethical teachings, transmitted to us by...
I. Technology and Halakhah The influence of technology on halakhah offers a fascinating study of flexibility within a framework of conservation. Experts apply an eternal law to new situations, using analogies...
The Torah tells us that a “mitztaer” (a person in pain) is exempt from the mitzvah of Sukkah. One may say that this exemption of a mitztaer being pattur from...
Name:Aaron James Judge Drafted: 32nd pick of the first year player draft in 2013 Born: April 26, 1992 (age 24 years), Linden, CA Height: 6’ 7” Weight: 230 lbs Salary: $507,500 Is there a lot of...
When I am eating a meal at home alone, I tend to read biographies of gedolim while eating. Recently, I was reading an ArtScroll biography concerning Rav Meir Shapiro, ztl,...
The Torah gives us a special promise that during Shmitta and Yovel the supply of fruit will be sufficient even though work in the fields may not be done during...
I. Lower East Side Dispute The question has arisen numerous times whether a community may buy a church building to be used as a synagogue. In the 1850’s, such a question...
The period between Pesach and Shavuos contains a mourning period–different days depending on one’s custom–during which certain joyous behaviors are forbidden (commonly called Sefirah because this period also includes the...
In our Friday night Kiddush, we intone, “Ki vo shabbas mikol melachto asher bora Elokim laasos – For on the Shabbos day Hashem rested from all the work which He...