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    There is a pasuk in the Book of Yirmiyahu (8:6) which, I believe, encapsulates what this month, the month of Elul, is all about. Yirmiyahu made the following observation about the people in his time: There is no...

    When you ask a rabbi a question, you are committing yourself to following his answer. But what if you didn’t ask? Do you still have to follow his ruling? Put in a different way, and a bit more...

    The Kasav Sofer, zt”l, zy”a, says that the blowing of the shofar during Elul reminds us of the objective of shapru ma’aseichem, make your ways prettier. (Shofar and shapru, to be pretty, share the same root.) One of the...

    Linkage Between Sinas Chinom and Absence of Simcha [Between Needless Hatred and Absence of Joy] At the end of the Tochacha [verses of rebuke in our Parsha], the pasuk [verse] says that these ninety-eight terrible curses come “as the...

    Sometimes, one writes an article that touches a familiar chord with the reader, evoking a memory. This past week, I wrote about hashavas aveida, the mitzva of returning a lost object. The article prompted my...