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    The Torah in Parashat Balak tells the famous story of Bilam’s failed attempts to place a curse on Beneh Yisrael. Bilam, a non-Jewish prophet, was summoned by Balak, the king of Moab, who felt threatened by Beneh...

    The Torah in Parashat Hukat present the law of Para Aduma – the “red heifer” whose ashes were used to prepare the purifying waters, through which people and objects would be purified after becoming Tameh (impure). In...

    When Balak, king of Moav, saw that the great giants Sichon and Og fell to the Bnei Yisroel, he was filled with terror. These giants who were born before the Great Flood and had dinosaur-like dimensions (Sichon was...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I’ve recently dated a guy four times, and I’m not sure what to do. I find him interesting to speak with, we have a good time on...

    We read in Parashat Korah of the group assembled by Korah to challenge Moshe’s authority. They accused Moshe of nepotism, that he unfairly granted the exclusive post of Kohen Gadol to his brother, Aharon. Moshe responded by inviting...

    Rebbe Dovid Lelover zt’l said: If Korach knew that he can serve Hashem from behind the oven [where the simple Yidden used to sit] and his avodah will be as precious as the avodah of the kohen gadol,...