The Three Weeks. The Nine Days. Tisha B’Av. Times of mourning, one following another, each one recalling the increased pain of our nation. And then, following Tisha B’Av is Shabbos Nachamu. The Shabbos of Comfort...
The Three Weeks. The Nine Days. Tisha B’Av. Times of mourning, one following another, each one recalling the increased pain of our nation. And then, following Tisha B’Av is Shabbos Nachamu. The Shabbos of Comfort...
Honor your father and mother, as the L-rd your G-d has commanded you, so that you may live long. (Devarim 5:16) Why should we honor our fathers and mothers? The Torah gives us one reason in Parashas Shemos...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I enjoy your column and am writing to you as I’m about to leave on a trip to Israel. A young married couple, we both haven’t...
Even those who work many hours a day, they can also attain erudition and expertise in Torah. If they devote time to Torah each day, they will be surprised by how much Torah they will acquire. One’s age notwithstanding, as...
The tenth and final of the Ten C o m m a n d m e n t s recorded in this week’s parsha (Vaeschanan) reads: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; you shall not covet your...
Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser is a prominent Torah personality, syndicated columnist, daily radio commentator, and acclaimed speaker, known for his exceptional ability to captivate and inspire audiences worldwide. His lectures are accessed...
In this issue we will discuss the halachos that apply to the nine days. During the nine days we are not allowed to do many more actions than those that are customarily not done from Shivah Asar B’Tammuz through...
In many Orthodox shuls, women’s sections are poorly maintained. Whether it’s the lighting, the cleanliness, the availability of siddurim and tissues, air conditioning, or any other number of small and large issues. What are the halachic implications of the...
Beginning Rosh Chodesh Av until after Tisha B’Av (the Nine Days) the custom of Ashkenazim is not to eat meat or drink wine, in remembrance of the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. What about a food that was cooked...
The twelfth bracha, V’Lamalshinim, was added later to the original Shemone Esrei blessings which were instituted by the Anshei K’neses HaGedolah, the Men of the Great Assemblage. The Rambam explains in Hilchos Tefillah [2:1] that in the days of...