It’s Succos time. Time to get a lulav and essrog. Time to take the succah walls out of storage. Time to hang up the decorations, some old, some new. Time...
Forgiveness Should Not Create Fear. During the ten days from R o s h Hashanah through Yom Kippur, known as the “Ten days of Teshuvah,” we recite each morning one of the most beautiful and moving chapters of Psalms, ch. 130....
A woman in her seventies had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. She had the opportunity...
INGREDIENTS: 1 (750 ml) bottle ketchup 1 liter ginger ale 1 whole cabbage, very coarsely shredded 2 lb ground beef 1 onion 1/2 cup rice 2 eggs garlic powder paprika freshly ground black pepper salt DIRECTIONS: First Night Sukkot, we always have stuffed Cabbage in the...
The Rambam (Rabbi Moshe Maimonides, 1135-1204), in Hilchot Teshuba (7:3), alerts us to the fact that repentance is required not only for specific sins that we commit, but also for our negative character traits. He lists traits...
Last Thursday was the passing of Edward Mosberg, a Holocaust survivor whose passion for sharing his story through lectures, recorded interviews, and educational trips back to concentration camps in Europe...
Immediately upon his mother’s passing, Prince Charles became King of England and the wheels of tradition were set in motion for his coronation ceremony, although it won’t take place for...
V’heyei brachah…. And you shall be a blessing.” (Bereishis 12:2) Rashi, in expounding upon this possuk, explains that HaShem was telling Avraham Avinu “Habrachos nesunim b’yadechah, the ability to bless others...
I would like to share a thought about Yom Kippur. As Rav Dovid Kronglass used to say, this is the most important week of the year. We have a tremendous...