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    I remember hearing form Rabbi Mordechai Gifter many years ago that he enjoys reading the seforim of two baalei batim (businessmen) who were never rabbis. One was the Rashash, who...

    We read in Parashat Vayigash about the very powerful moment when Yosef, who was the second-in-command in Egypt, finally revealed to his brothers who he was, saying the simple but...

    INGREDIENTS: 1/3rd cup olive oil Three large onions chopped Three stalks celery chopped One green pepper chopped One red pepper chopped Four cloves garlic minced One package of Jack’s Italian sausages chopped Six boneless chicken breast cut into...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi, I read your column every week. It prompts much conversation over the Shabbos table. I’m a regular Flatbush/Midwood guy who is into the Sifrei Chassidus....

    In his dream Paro saw seven beautiful, healthy cows grazing in a marsh (achu), alongside the Nile River. Then, seven other cows came. These were ugly and thin, and they...

    The Rebbe of Ruzhin zt’l said, “What tzaddikim are able to accomplish on Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur, a simple Yid can accomplish on Zos Chanukah.” The explanation may...

    Does one need to tovel electric appliances? There are many different appliances; there is no one rule. For example, an urn should be toiveled. Obviously, after you toivel an urn, you...

    I. Lighting in Danger The Gemara (Shabbos 21b) says that you must light your Chanukah menorah near the doorway (opening, pesach) of your house on the outside. If you live on...