The New York Rangers and Adam Fox, have agreed to a historic contract extension. Fox, 23, signed a seven-year deal, taking him through the 2028-29 season. The average annual value...
The New York Rangers and Adam Fox, have agreed to a historic contract extension. Fox, 23, signed a seven-year deal, taking him through the 2028-29 season. The average annual value...
R’ Eli Stefansky is the president of Prime Quest Management, Daf Yomi maggid shiur, and founder of the widely popular “8 Minute Daf” video series. More people listen to his...
What do you think about Mordy’s new YouTube video ABBA? It was beyond breathtaking. He took the words right out of Tehillim from L’Dovid Hashem Ori and they were beautiful, really...
(BASED ON REMARKS DELIVERED AT THE SHLOSHIM IN JERUSALEM, 23 MAR CHESHVAN) The Torah relates ּהָתֹּכְבִלְו†הָרָׂשְל†דֹּפְסִל†≠םָהָרְבַא†אֹבָּיַו†- Avraham eulogizes Sarah. But the Torah doesn’t tell us what Avraham said. Why doesn’t the...
Who Is The Wise One? He Who Recognizes That He Was Stupid Parshas Toldos contains the story of Eisav selling the birthright to Yaakov. After the transaction, the Torah uses...
“Va’yetar Yitzchok l’HaShem, l’nochach ishtoh ki akoroh hee – Yitzchok entreated HaShem opposite his wife, because she was barren.” (Bereishis 25:21) Rashi comments that Yitzchok stood in one corner, and Rivkah in...
The Torah tells us that a kosher animal is one which has split hooves and chews its cud; pigs have split hooves, but because they do not chew their cud, are not kosher. The Rabbis of the Medrash tell a parable of...
WHY WERE THE FOUNDING FATHERS OF JUDAISM ENTHRALLED BY WELLS? FREE PLOWING Back in the ‘40s, a Jewish guy was arrested for smuggling guns into Israel, then known as Palestine. He was...
Perfect Order The Chofetz Chaim gave the following mashal: There was a man visiting a distant city. Shabbos morning, he went to the community’s beis kneses and watched the gabai give...
M a n y have the custom to bentch their children on Friday night. Where does this custom come from? Should the blessings be given before or after coming home from shul? Should one use one hand or two hands? How does a...