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    The parsha begins with the pasuk, “Sarah’s lifetime was one hundred years, and twenty years, and seven years; the years of Sarah’s life.” [Bereishis 23:1]. Rashi comments on the strange construction of this pasuk, and in particular on the seemingly...

    R e c e n t l y certain kashrus agencies have begun to offer courses for women to make them m a s h g i c h o t . These roles can be either to visit certain...

    P i d y o n i m Shevuyim means redeeming a captive, paying s o m e o n e ’ s ransom. It is among the highest priorities of mitzvos. Shulchan Arukh (Yoreh De’ah 252:1) is more important than...

    With seven gold medals, including three at the recent Tokyo O l y m p i c s , swimmer Penny Oleksiak is Canada’s most decorated Olympian. But not everyone always believed in her. Following her recent...

    In Parshas Chaya Sarah we can study all about shidduchim. One of the primary lessons is to know that shidduchim are arranged by Hashem. It’s not because I chose, or because that person said, or...

    The opening verse of Parashat Hayeh-Sara tells us that our matriarch Sara lived for “one hundred years, twenty years, and seven years.” This is an unusual way of telling us how long Sara lived, as rather than simply...

    The story is told of an Orthodox Jew who went on a business trip and was at the airport for his flight home. As we he went through security, he experiened everyone’s nightmare – after he...

    Without a question, one of the greatest women in the history of the world was Sarah Imeinu. The posuk testifies that when she was one hundred years old, she was absolutely free of sin like an innocent twenty year old. And...

    ABRAHAM, ISAAC AND JACOB: THE MORNING, DUSK, AND NIGHT OF JUDAISM ISAAC AND REBECCA The first act of marriage described in the Torah is the one between Isaac and Rebecca, in this week’s portion, Chayei Sarah. It is also the first...