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    I. ACCESS TO ERUV MATZAH Many people have their own private eruvin, structures that allow them to carry on Shabbos. They do this with one or more neighbors by ensuring the...

    Many people wonder why their tefillos should be answered. They know their sins and faults, and it’s hard for them to imagine that Hashem is interested in their tefillah. The...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 1/2 teaspoons olive oil (or canola oil) 1 1/2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into small cubes (about 1/2 inch) Salt and black pepper 3 tablespoons honey 3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce 3...

    In contemporary society, respect for our leaders is almost extinct. We’ve become cynical to the extreme - feeling that our leaders frequently talk out of both sides of their mouths,...

    The commentaries on the Chumash find it difficult to understand why the exodus from Egypt had to be accomplished by means of a deception. Moshe Rabbeinu only requested three days...

    The Rambam in Pirush Hamishnayos 5:4 says that the ten miracles were the fact that the Yidden were saved from the ten Makkos. Since every makka was exclusively for the...