19 Oct Reflections on “Piety”
After the mabul, Hakadosh Baruch Hu entered into a bris with mankind that He would never again destroy the entire world via a flood. The rainbow was chosen to symbolize...
After the mabul, Hakadosh Baruch Hu entered into a bris with mankind that He would never again destroy the entire world via a flood. The rainbow was chosen to symbolize...
A month ago, I had a very uncomfortable and sad conversation, at least it started that way. Someone I consider a close friend had distanced himself and I called to...
We find in Humash two different structures that G-d commanded to build: Noah’s ark, and the Mishkan (Tabernacle) in the wilderness. Rav Yitzchak Hutner (1906-1980) noted that there is a...
Humanity is constantly searching for a better tomorrow. Dissatisfied with our current reality, we endlessly dream of a better world without hardships and sadness. This hope for a better world...
I. Lashon Ha-Ra With Legs The idea that derogatory speech can go viral — a post, video or message can be forwarded thousands of times — should more than ever bring...
INGREDIENTS: Poppy seed Dressing: 1/4 cup white wine vinegar 1/4 cup sugar 1 garlic clove 1 1/2 tablespoons poppy seeds 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons light mayo 1/3 cup olive oil DIRECTIONS: For parshas noach try a...
Full Name: Clayton Edward Kershaw Born: Dallas, Texas on March 19, 1988 Height & Weight: 6-3, 215 Nickname: Kersh or the Claw Hobbies/Interests: I enjoy playing Ping Pong Player you would pay to watch today:...
And G-d said, “Let us make man in our image, after our l i k e n e s s … ” (Bereshit 1:26) When the Torah describes the steps...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am so frustrated with the shidduch system . Why are the guy’s moms in charge of who I marry? Every time I am redt to someone,...
Chumash Bereishis is also known as Sefer HaYashar – the Book of the Upright. This is because one of the primary aims of studying it is to learn from the...