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    Reb Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky zt’l told the following mashal: A hungry lion once told a fox, “Give me your heart.” The wise fox knew that if he gave his heart, he would die, but if he didn’t, he would also...

    The Torah commands in Parashat Shoftim (16:20), “Sedek Sedek Tirdof” – that we must “pursue” justice. The verse continues, “in order that you live and take possession of the land...

    It’s that time of year. Time to stock up on school supplies and get the kids’ knapsacks ready. It’s not just the children who have knapsacks, but as adults we too have our bags...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I met the man of my dreams. Everything was going smoothly until we got engaged. Our parents met to divide financial responsibilities for the wedding. They agreed to...

    10 % of the people in the world are left-handed. Consequently, the amount of yiddin who are left handed is very little. However, many halachos come up on a daily basis regarding the correct hand to use when performing one’s daily...

    I. Employment and Slavery The issue of drafting Israeli yeshiva students into the IDF is a perennial political topic. I would like to discuss a related topic but without any political connection. In order to survive, a country has...

    Parashat Re’eh begins with Moshe Rabbenu telling the people, “See that I give you this day a blessing and a curse.” He then explains that if we follow the mitzvot, we earn blessing, and if we don’t,...

    But this shall you not eat from among those that bring up their cud or have completely separated split hooves: the camel, the hare, and the hyrax, for they bring up their cud, but their hooves are not...

    Once Tu b’Av arrives we can already wish people a kesiva vchasima tova-to be written and signed in the book of good life for the upcoming new year. Since Elul is just about upon us, it is...

    A segulah for parnassah and financial success is to give maasar, 1/10th of one’s earnings, to tzedakah. It states (14:22) aser te’aser, and the Gemara (Taanis 9.) states, aser b’shvil she’tis’asher, “Give maasar so you will become wealthy,” and the miforshim say that...