28 Apr Coronavirus (Part 8)
Last week, I proposed keeping a Corona Era diary or log. One of the reasons I suggested this is because it can make us more acutely aware of utilizing the...
Last week, I proposed keeping a Corona Era diary or log. One of the reasons I suggested this is because it can make us more acutely aware of utilizing the...
DAY 22 CHESED SHEBINETZACH – KINDNESS IN VICTORY A young boy had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father if they could discuss the use of the car. His...
I just returned from the Gush Etzion cemetery having attended a very unusual Yom Hazikaron ceremony. It was a discouraging but also a triumphant experience. Let me explain. My family...
LISTENING TO MUSIC DURING SEFIRA (OR OTHER PERIODS OF MOURNING) TO MAINTAIN MENTAL A HEALTHY STATE OF MIND (2020) In each of the three stages of mourning, Halacha mandates decreasing levels...
Someone in my Shul growing up loved to say, “I don’t repeat lashon hara… so listen carefully the first time.” While witty, the quip also reflects our tension between simultaneously...
Most of us have missed the weekly Torah readings since March 21 (Vayakhel-Pekudei), some even from March 7 (Tetzaveh). When the time comes to return safely to shul, do we...
Mazel Tov! Shehichiyanu V’kiyimanu V’higiyanu L’zman Hazeh! Baruch She’aseh Li Nes B’makom Hazeh! I stare in awe at the bottom of the beige canvas basket. I did it! I can’t...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, Thank you so much for your column. I enjoy reading your advice each week. Due to Covid- 19, we both lost our jobs and with little...
INGREDIENTS: 1 box yellow cake mix 1 (3.4 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg (you can totally leave out if you don’t have or don’t like nutmeg) ½ teaspoon ground...
FAST FACTS: Flatbush Shomrim Members: 60 Mission Statement: To work closely with the community and be the eyes and ears of the police department. Year Flatbush Shomrim began: Flatbush Shomrim was started by...