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    Last week, I proposed keeping a Corona Era diary or log. One of the reasons I suggested this is because it can make us more acutely aware of utilizing the...

    LISTENING TO MUSIC DURING SEFIRA (OR OTHER PERIODS OF MOURNING) TO MAINTAIN MENTAL A HEALTHY STATE OF MIND (2020)  In each of the three stages of mourning, Halacha mandates decreasing levels...

    Most of us have missed the weekly Torah readings since March 21 (Vayakhel-Pekudei), some even from March 7 (Tetzaveh). When the time comes to return safely to shul, do we...

    Mazel Tov! Shehichiyanu V’kiyimanu V’higiyanu L’zman Hazeh! Baruch She’aseh Li Nes B’makom Hazeh! I stare in awe at the bottom of the beige canvas basket. I did it! I can’t...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 box yellow cake mix 1 (3.4 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg (you can totally leave out if you don’t have or don’t like nutmeg) ½ teaspoon ground...