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    The current corona virus crisis has toppled the world order, sent stock markets plummeting and reshaped human consciousness. For many, it is, and will remain the most shocking event of...

    Throughout history, epidemics have caused death and disruption in varying scales, some massive but most local. Why do they happen and how should we respond? As would be expected of...

    Hi! I love reading your column. So, here’s my story. I’ve been married for five months. My wife is kind, considerate, and appreciative. We work long hours and enjoy our precious...

    INGREDIENTS:  Filling: 6 sliced Macintosh apples 1 can whole berry cranberry sauce Crumbs: 1/2 cup cake meal 1 cup matzah farfel 2/3 cup brown sugar 1 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup oil   DIRECTION: Use a square tin and do crumbs, then ling,...

    When it comes to outbreaks, blaming the victim has a very long precedent, as Jews unfortunately know all too well. As the coronavirus outbreak grows in scale and scope, victims sadly...

    In Shmos 34:1 Hashem tells Moshe to cut out two new tablets similar to the first ones and, “I will write on these tablets “asher shibarta” (that you broke.)” The...