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    INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp sweet paprika 1/2 tsp turmeric 1/4 tsp cumin 1/8 tsp black pepper 4 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil divided, plus 1 teaspoon 2 medium size onions, diced small 10 dried apricots, quartered 6...

    The epic project of constructing a mishkan was an unprecedented feat of human engineering and creativity. Instead of delivering a ready-made, heavenly prepared structure, G-d chose to empower humans to...

    Generally speaking, does a man or a woman want to get married more? While every person is an individual, they often follow similar attitudes that allow for generalizations. Conventional wisdom,...

    In Shemos, Perek Lamed Heh, psukim alef and bais, the Torah tells us that Moshe gathered all of the Yidden to tell them the following: six days a week they...

    On the morning of heinous national sin of the golden calf, the Torah testifies, “Vayashkimu mimochora – They (Klal Yisroel) arose early on the morrow.” Rashi explains that the same...

    INGREDIENTS: For kreplach dough: 2 cups four Pinch of salt 2 eggs 1 T plus 1 t lukewarm water For the filling: ó medium onion, chopped 1 lb. beef, chopped meat 1 egg Salt and pepper   DIRECTIONS: On Purim its traditional to eat hidden...

      The mitzvah of Shabbat is so seminal that it surfaces in five different parshiyot in Sefer Shemot. Among these ‘appearances” is the discussion of Shabbat in one of the opening...

      In Parashat Ki Tisah we read about the tragic episode of the Egel, which was when Jews worshipped the golden calf. And we read about Moshe Rabenu’s reaction when he...