08 Aug What Is The Most Challenging Mitzvah?
Let me ask you a philosophical question. What is the hardest mitzvah in the Torah? The most difficult and challenging to fulfill? The Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer says that the hardest...
Let me ask you a philosophical question. What is the hardest mitzvah in the Torah? The most difficult and challenging to fulfill? The Pirkei d’Rebbe Eliezer says that the hardest...
In many Orthodox synagogues, women's sections are poorly maintained. Whether it's the lighting, the cleanliness, the availability of siddurim and tissues, air conditioning, or any other number of small and...
The posuk in this week’s Parsha teaches us in that one should teach the Torah to his children. An interesting question may be asked in connection to this. If someone...
Every year, synagogues, schools and organizations honor people for their contributions and accomplishments. Is it appropriate to honor women or does this violate the norms of modesty? Of course, practice...
We all know that the first official shaddchan in the Torah was Eliezer, the servant of Avraham. We also know that he wrote the script beforehand, praying to Hashem that...
In this week’s Parsha the posuk teaches us in Perek Heh, posuk alef that the Jews should keep the laws etc. The language used is “Ulmadtem Osam-” you should learn them and “Ushmartem Laasosam-” and keep the laws. This is one of the places...
The architectures of women’s sections in Orthodox shuls differ greatly, offering widely varying experiences for women. The mechitzah which divides the men’s and women’s sections and the situation of the...
In Chumash Devarim, Moshe Rabbeinu recounts the sad story of the meraglim, spies, which led to the tragic death of an entire generation and was the catalyst for all the...
The Gemara in Taanis, daf lamed, amud alef says that all mitzvos that apply to an “avel” (mourner) apply on Tisha B’Av. Included in this category is Torah learning. It...
Questions of kosher status sometimes mask larger dilemmas that, when uncovered, demonstrate the complexity of applying straightforward laws. Principles are easy. Life is messy. The rabbis of Kosharot, an Israeli kosher supervision...