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    This week’s parsha, Ki Sisa, tells of the tragic episode of the Eigel HaZahav, the Golden Calf. Imagine Moshe Rabbeinu, descending from Har Sinai with the Aseres HaDibros. He heard sounds of partying, and sees...

    My children’s latest report cards went out recently and some of my children posted on our family WhatsApp group the grades they were proudest of. I jokingly shared that my report card also just came out and posted...

    Soldiers in war zones face a myriad of challenges that evoke deep existential fear. The constant exposure to life- threatening situations, where survival is uncertain, is a primary source of this fear. Combat stress compounds this, inundating soldiers with...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, Hi! I’m a big fan of your column in the Jewish Vues and enjoy reading it on a weekly basis. I’m having a problem dating. My next-door...

    INGREDIENTS: Two sheets of puff pastry One side of skinless salmon Lemon pepper seasoning One container tofutti cream cheese Half a cup freshly chopped dill Quarter cup capers DIRECTIONS: This is such an easy, elegant recipe. I served it as an appetizer...

    Purim is a very exciting time, and some people spend a lot of time planning their costumes. What is the source of this custom? What are some of the reasons for this practice? Is it permitted to daven...

    I. Five Days of Megillah Earlier this month, I was notified that the IDF Rabbinate faces a shortage of Megillah scrolls. There are a number of ways to handle this, including paying scribes to quickly write more megillos. I...

    Leave The Worrying To — Avinu BaShamayim [Our Father In Heaven] The pasuk [verse] at the end of the parsha says, “Three times in the year all males should appear before the Master, Hashem, G-d of Israel” [Shemos...