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    The Mishna in Masechet Sota teaches that the world will be in a state of disarray and chaos in the generation before Mashiah’s arrival. Youngsters will disrespect adults, and children will brazenly disobey parents. During that period,...

    After rising for many years, the divorce rate in the United States today is lower than it was a decade ago. But before you celebrate, the reason is not because of a sudden increase in blissful marriages; it’s...

    RICE PUDDING Ingredients: 6 cups milk, divided 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup long grain white rice, I use a heaping half cup 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ground cinnamon, optional Directions: Old-Fashioned Rice Pudding is so creamy with the...

    In this issue we will discuss the halachos nine days. During the nine days we are not allowed to do many more actions than those that are customarily not done from Shivah Asar B’Tammuz through during the time before Rosh Chodesh...

    Hi! I’m having problems juggling my job, school , friends,and my boyfriend . I feel like I am being pulled in many different directions at once and I’m not sure how...

    This Shabbos, we begin Sefer Devarim, the fifth book of the Chumash. Parshas Devarim is always read on the Shabbos preceding Tisha B’Av, known as Shabbos Chazon. The name Shabbos Chazon is taken from the...

    A group of people were speaking to the Brisker Rav zt’l about the tzaros the Jewish nation was undergoing at the time. Someone present sighed in desperation, “We need Moshiach to come quickly and save us.” Another person whispered, “Moshiach isn’t...