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    Graveside funerals, or visits, often generate crowds around a grave, forcing people to search for space to stand. Are you allowed to step on someone else’s grave for a service or in order to get to the right place...

    There was once a man who was mired in financial ruin, drowning in oceans of debt and without a job, and who was walking with his son when they passed by a store. The son said...

    Parashat Ki-Teseh concludes with two Misvot which, at first glance, are entirely unrelated. The first is the command to use honest weights and measures when conducting business. The Torah strictly forbids deceiving people, such as customers, by tampering...

    We are now in Chodesh Elul, blowing the shofar and waging war against the yetzer hara. Like every war, we require strategies that will help us win this great battle. Let’s begin with understanding that the nature of this war...

    A male child’s first haircut is called an upsherin, which is taken from the German words “sherr” (cut) and “up” (off). It is also called chalakah. The mitzvah accomplished by cutting the hair is forming peyos on the child. The Chinuch...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 sticks margarine 3/4 cup cocoa powder 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 3/4 cup brown sugar 3 eggs 3/4 cup flour Dash of salt 1/2 cup chocolate chunks DIRECTIONS This rich fudgy brownie is made with brown butter (or in...

    This week’s parsha opens with the pasuk, “Shoftim v’shotrim titen lecha b’chol sh’arecha, Appoint judges and officers in all your gates.” (Devarim 16:18) The Torah is instructing the Jewish nation to appoint judges and officers in...