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    I. Avoiding the Korban Pesach We know from tax law the difference between avoidance and evasion. Tax avoidance involves structuring your fi nances to legally minimize your taxes. In contrast, tax evasion is refusing to pay taxes that you...

    Parshas Tzav: Rule Number One: Clean Up Your Mess In this week’s parsha we have the mitzvah of the offering of the Korban Olah. Aharon and his children are given the tremendous responsibility of the Temple Service. But the...

    (We interrupt our series on tefilah to speak about Pesach.) At the end of Magid, the Hagaddah informs us of one of the mission statements of the Seder. “B’chol dor v’dor chi’yev adom liros es atsmo ki’ilu hu yatza...

    Many people are not familiar with the halachos of shaimos. The problem with the volume of shaimos, only developed fairly recently with the advent of cheap, commonly utilized printing methods. After reviewing these halachos one will have a clear understanding of what...

    Many times one is faced with different questions as to what requires tevilah. For example, glass, china, stoneware etc. The halachos of how to tovel were dealt with in a previous issue. In this issue we will discuss which...

    As we continue our travels through tefilla, we just finished the second bracha in the Shemone Esrei. At this point, when the chazzan says over for us the Shemone Esrei, we chant the lofty prayer of Kedusha. As...