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    going through a hard time, he should be happy with the yesurim and believe it is all for the good. However, when one hears about other people’s problems, it is wrong to think, “It’s for...

    We read in Parashat Vayeseh that when Yaakob arrived in Haran, at the home of his uncle, Laban, he reached an agreement with Laban. According to the agreement, Yaakob would work for seven years as a shepherd,...

    My family loves soup! It’s a great way to start off any meal and sneak some extra veggies into the kids. One of their favorites is butternut squash soup. I love roasting the...

    Prior to 1974, the standard practice for dealing with someone who was choking was to whack the afflicted person on the back. Dr. Henry Heimlich argued hitting them that way can force the obstruction further into the gullet, rather...

    One of the most well-known examples of de- ception in the Torah is Lavan’s betrayal of Yaakov during his marriage arrangements. After Yaakov worked for seven years to marry Rachel, the woman he loved, Lavan tricked him by...

    I don’t know what to do! I’m dating a guy who I totally adore his personality but cannot deal with his disorderliness. I come from a family where everything thing has...

    It is unfortunate that cell phones have made their way into our shuls. Yet cell phone usage is not only an issue during davening. Throughout the day, we can’t go more than a few seconds without looking at our...

    I. Fathers-in-Law There is a deep lesson in the fact that there is no English equivalent of the word “mechutanim.” Mechutanim are the parents of your son- or daughter-in-law (mechutan is the male part of the mechutanim). When your...