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    Ever come home totally famished and grab some junk food – knowing full well, you will be sorry later? What about passing a bakery, getting a whiff of something yummy, and just can’t resist?...

    In Parashat Toldot, Yaakov takes the blessings from his father Yitzchak through deception. This event happens when Yitzchak, who is blind and aging, intends to bless his eldest son Esav before his death. Rivkah, Yitzchak’s wife, overhears and devises...

    What comes to your mind first when I mention Yitzchak Avinu, Yitzchak, our Patriarch? You’ll probably say, rightfully so, the Akeidas Yitzchak, when Yitzchak allowed himself to be offered by Avraham, his father. Your next suggestion would probably be when...

    I. Thank You Hashem We recognize and thank G-d for the blessings we receive in this world, sometimes in formal ways with a blessing and other times informally. In a modern democracy, sometimes elections can turn the tide...

    In Order to Live We need to eat and drink in order to live. After eating and drinking, waste must be expelled. We must have the proper approach to the food we take into our mouths and understand the...

    INGREDIENTS: 2lbs of beef chuck cut into cubes 1/4 cup of flour 1 teaspoon each of ground coriander, cumin and sweet paprika 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper Salt and pepper to taste 3lbs of chopped root vegetables – use whatever...

    The Torah in Parashat Toldot tells the story of the blessings which Yishak Abinu wished to bestow upon his older son, Esav, but which were taken by the younger son, Yaakob. Yishak informed Esav of his desire to...

    After a vicious campaign season with billions of dollars spent vilifying one another, name-calling, and competing who could label the other the bigger threat to democracy, the election has finally been decided and whatever outcome you...