Much has been discussed over the years regarding Thanksgiving dinner. We will discuss whether such a party is allowed, and if turkey may be served. The underlying point of the...
Much has been discussed over the years regarding Thanksgiving dinner. We will discuss whether such a party is allowed, and if turkey may be served. The underlying point of the...
In this week’s parshah, Toldos, we learn of both Yitzchak and Rivkah turning to HaShem with heartfelt prayer. Each praying on the other’s behalf. Yitzchok asking that Rivkah be the...
One of the more disturbing trends we are experiencing today is the rise of antisemitic attacks, qualitatively and quantitatively, online with words and offline with physical violence. As we continue...
The Torah tells us (26:19- 22) that Yitzchak’s servants dug wells. When the Pelishtim came and claimed ownership over the wells, Yitzchak’s servants moved to another location. This happened three...
Since Chanukah starts Sunday after Thanksgiving why not switch up your challah and make a Pumpkin challah it’s a delicious autumnal challah dough INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon active dry yeast 1/2 cup luke-warm water 1 cup pumpkin puree (8 oz.) 3...
This week’s parshah, Chayei Sarah, shares with us insights and lessons regarding shidduchim – finding a life partner. Following Sarah’s death, Avrohom feels that it’s time to find an appropriate match...
How Is Your Marriage? “How is your marriage?” Someone once asked a woman. Her response: “Before I got married, I was incomplete. Now, that I married, I am finished.” SARAH’S PASSING This week’s Torah...
Rav Pam (Ateres Avraham, Chayei Sarah) quotes Rabbeinu Bachya, who instructs us that when looking for a spouse we should not place an overemphasis on looks, money or yichus, but...
Ask Not What External Events Can Do To You; Ask What You Can Do To Maintain Equilibrium In The Face of External Events The Medrash comments that the name change from Sarai...
The Midrash relates that once, as Rabbi Akiba taught a class, he noticed that his students began falling asleep. In order to awaken and energize them, Rabbi Akiba interrupted his...