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     I. Acher’s Sins Repentance, teshuvah, is an ability to repair the past and create a better future. Everyone sins. Teshuvah allows you to get past that, to learn from your mistakes...

     Finders keepers, losers weepers. A child’s chant, but for those immersed in Torah and mitzvos, hashavas aveidah, returning a lost item is a way of life. We read in Parshas Ki Seitzei...

    There is one sports team in America which is much more than just a sports team. Almost every player who joins this team says the same thing: it’s more than just a team. When you’re part of...

     The Jews are great people, we do chesed, learn Torah, visit the sick, give a lot of tzedakah, and as a whole are a wonderful nation. However, there does exist...

    Towards the end of Parashat Ki-Teseh, the Torah presents the Misva of Yibum, which applies when a married man dies without children. His brother is required to marry the widow, and the child born from this...

     Setting Aside A “Yerach Yomim” For Mourning Our Past: A “Beautiful” Insight Into “Yefas Toar” In the beginning of this week’s parsha, the Torah teaches us a Halacha [Jewish Law] that...