In 2001, Indra Nooyi was named president of PepsiCo. Five years later, she would be promoted to CEO and, in 2007, she would become chairman of the company as well....
In 2001, Indra Nooyi was named president of PepsiCo. Five years later, she would be promoted to CEO and, in 2007, she would become chairman of the company as well....
One of the big responsibilities of a successful caretaker is the proper nutrition. Often the disease or the treatments or both affect a person’s appetite. It is oh so important...
Reb Yohonoson Eibshitz (Yaaras Dash 1:1) writes, “In the brachah of Shema Koleinu [in Shemoneh Esrei] a person should…pray for all his needs; for the minor and for the major...
No Gashes. There is a fascinating verse in this week's Torah portion, Reah: : You are children of the Lord, your G-d. You shall neither cut yourselves nor make any baldness between your eyes, for the dead....
INGREDIENTS: 8 medium to large carrots peeled and cut into large chunks. 4 -6 sweet potatoes peeled and cut into three to four pieces each. 1 bunch celery diced 4 teaspoons olive oil 1 cup onion diced 2 garlic cloves...
It is hard to believe that it’s already six years since the petirah of my beloved mother, Rebbetzin Esther Bas HaRav Avraham HaLevi, a”h. Ima was – and through her teachings...
I am a frequent traveler and sometimes I find myself in a motel with a kitchenette. Am I able to go to the local fish store and purchase kosher fish? You...
The mental health of the patient is also strengthened by obtaining for them blessings from a Gadol, and informing them that people are praying for them by the Kosel and...
The opening section of Parashat Ekeb describes the prosperity and good fortune that are promised to Beneh Yisrael if they obey Hashem’s commands. However, the Sages inferred from the second word in this Parasha – the word for which it...