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     One of the big responsibilities of a successful caretaker is the proper nutrition. Often the disease or the treatments or both affect a person’s appetite. It is oh so important...

     Reb Yohonoson Eibshitz (Yaaras Dash 1:1) writes, “In the brachah of Shema Koleinu [in Shemoneh Esrei] a person should…pray for all his needs; for the minor and for the major...

    No Gashes. There is a fascinating verse in this week's Torah portion, Reah:  : You are children of the Lord, your G-d. You shall neither cut yourselves nor make any baldness between your eyes, for the dead....

    INGREDIENTS: 8 medium to large carrots peeled and cut into large chunks. 4 -6 sweet potatoes peeled and cut into three to four pieces each. 1 bunch celery diced 4 teaspoons olive oil 1 cup onion diced 2 garlic cloves...

     It is hard to believe that it’s already six years since the petirah of my beloved mother, Rebbetzin Esther Bas HaRav Avraham HaLevi, a”h. Ima was – and through her teachings...

    "The world breaks everyone, and afterwards some are stronger in the broken places.” -- Ernest H e m i n g w a y Broken The simple reading of the story (recorded twice in Torah, in Exodus, in this...

     I am a frequent traveler and sometimes I find myself in a motel with a kitchenette. Am I able to go to the local fish store and purchase kosher fish? You...