The parsha contains the pasuk: “The people complained, speaking evil in the ears of Hashem, and Hashem heard and His wrath flared, and a fire of Hashem burned against them,...
The parsha contains the pasuk: “The people complained, speaking evil in the ears of Hashem, and Hashem heard and His wrath flared, and a fire of Hashem burned against them,...
This Shabbos, we read the Parshas Beha’aloscha, which includes the episode of the misoninim, the complainers, a group that was not satisfied with the manna, but craved something more. The manna...
After Klal Yisroel victoriously defeated the Midianites, the posuk in Bamidbar goes on to say [31:21], “Vayomer Elazar HaKohein el anshei hatsava haba-im lamilchamah, ‘Zos chukas HaTorah’ – Elazar the...
The Levite Family Tree Levi, one of the 12 sons of Jacob (the third of our forefathers, a grandson of the first Jew Abraham), had three sons - Gershon, Kehas and Merari - as well as a daughter, Yocheved. While...
In the order of the mishnayos, Maseches Sotah follows Masaeches Nazir. The Talmud explains that this is based on the pesukim in parshas Naso, where the parshiyos of nazir and sotah are next to each other. The reason for...
HaShem spoke to Moshe: “Speak to Aaron and his sons. This is how you shall bless the people of Israel. Say to them: May HaShem bless you and protect you. May HaShem...
All of us, I imagine, find life stressful. But at least for most of us, it doesn’t have to be this way. The Torah in Parashat Naso discusses the laws of a nazir – the person...
What bracha does one make on falafel? The halacha really is that whatever the bracha you make on the pita will cover the falafel. So if the pita is hamotzi, it...
In 2007, an employee of a New Jersey Dunkin Donuts named Dustin Hoffmann (not that one) made news when the store was nearly robbed by a serial robber who jumped...