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    The Gemorah (Moed Koton 14B) understands from the pesukim in parshas Shmini that the kohein gadol does not observe aveilus over the death of a relative. (See Sefer Ginat Egoz,...

    May one buy cut fruit from a store that does not have a Hechsher? No! We get this question all the time. People are invited all the time to meetings in...

    This week’s parsha (19:18) discusses the mitzvah of ךומכ†ךערל†תבהאו ” ,Love your friend like yourself.” Reb Akiva says, “This is a great rule of the Torah” (Rashi). A convert asked...

    Rabbi Weiss: Dear Yeitzer Hara! I’ve been thinking lately a lot about the various pitfalls that can disrupt a person’s worship in shul. Can you suggest any tips that can...

    Parashat Kedoshim begins with the command of “Kedoshim Tiheyu” – that we be “holy.” The term “holy” conjures up different associations among different people, the common denominator being that they have...

    The time from Pesach to Shavuos is a time of minimizing joy. However, many question arise as to what is included in this, such as what are the reasons for...

    The Mishnah teaches us in Pirkei Avot (1:13), ףיסי†ףיסומ†אלד†– “one who does not increase, diminishes.” In other words, if we are not moving forward, then we are moving backwards. If we...

    A charitable pledge constitutes a vow that must be fulfilled. However, like many vows, it can be nullified if proper regret is presented to a religious court, if it is...