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    In the second chapter of Pirkeh Avot, we read the following teaching of Rabbi Shimon: וכשאתה מתפלל, אל תעש תפלתך קבע, אלא רחמים .ותחנונים לפני המקום When you pray, do not make your prayer “permanent,” but rather compassion...

    “For the winter has passed,… the time of the songbird has arrived, and the blossoms of the tree are seen throughout the land.” (Shir HaShirim 2:11-12) We read Shir HaShirim this past Achron shel Pesach....

    INGREDIENTS: 1 cup warm water 1½ Tbsp yeast ½ cup sugar ¼ cup oil 2 eggs 1 tsp vanilla 4 cups bread flour ½ Tbsp salt   The custom to bake schlissel challah for the first Shabbos after Pesach is...

    GROUND COFFEE What could be the issues with unflavored ground coffee - regular or decaf - for Pesach? Regular caffeinated and unflavored coffee is kosher for Pesach even without special supervision. Decaffeinated...

    One of the many important halachos that we are faced with at the seder is the proper volume to eat or drink in order to fulfill the mitzvah of the...