In the days of the Talmud taxes were collected for the purpose of enriching the king. Based on the parshas hamelech in Sefer Shmuel (Shmuel I 8:11), the Rabbis formulated...
In the days of the Talmud taxes were collected for the purpose of enriching the king. Based on the parshas hamelech in Sefer Shmuel (Shmuel I 8:11), the Rabbis formulated...
“Raunchy TikTok Talmud Tidbits Spark… Heated Discourse” This recent headline caught my attention (as it was designed to) and intensified a question that has been weighing on me: The internet in general,...
As I was walking home from shul on Friday night, I was thinking about the sermon I had just delivered exhorting my congregants to always be on guard from the...
In Parashat Vayakhel, Moshe Rabbenu assembles Beneh Yisrael to present to them G-d’s commands regarding the construction of the Mishkan and its various furnishings. He introduces this command, however, by...
G-d Is a Great Builder; But It’s Man’s Handiwork That Takes the Cake In the Beginning As a result of a near mutiny, the overbearing and arrogant captain was forced to see...
Parashat Vayakhel tells about the construction of the Mishkan, a project which was led by a man named Betzalel. The Torah makes a point of informing us of not only...
The question of what you can learn on Shabbos often revolves around the permissibility of reading secular material. However, it also applies to the proper Torah material for Shabbos. What...
Parshas Vayakhel marks the fruition of the instructions provided in Parshas Terumah and Tezaveh. On a theoretical level, the earlier parshios spell out the structure of the Mishkan [Tabernacle], its...
“Rachmanah liba boyeh” “The Merciful One desires the heart.” (Talmud Sanhedrin 106b) To do mitzvos with heart, with love and compassion. Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler zt”l explains that Torah is different from all other...
Hachodesh The parashah begins with the words “Moshe gathered the entire community of Bnei Yisrael”. “and he told them, ‘This is what Hashem commanded you to do…’” (Vayakhel 35:1). Tzaddikim...