Pesach preparations are complex and multi-faceted. Way before Pesach, many people personally go to the matzah bakery and physically assist in the baking of the matzos, fulfilling the Talmudic dictum,...
Pesach preparations are complex and multi-faceted. Way before Pesach, many people personally go to the matzah bakery and physically assist in the baking of the matzos, fulfilling the Talmudic dictum,...
Parashat Tazria begins with the law of “Tum’at Yoledet” – the state of impurity that descends upon a woman after she delivers a child. The Torah establishes that the woman...
In Yiddish a potato is called a kartufel. The reason why it is called a kartufel is because the potato which was meant to be a tufel food has been...
Parashat Tazria – as well as the majority of the following parashah, Parashat Metzora – discuss the laws of tzara’at (leprosy), a skin condition which would befall a person mainly...
A great deal of intelligence can be invested in ignorance. -- Saul Bellow Light travels faster than sound. That’s why most people seem bright until you hear them speak. -- Author...
Earlier this week, four Israelis were killed, and several others were injured, in a terrorist stabbing attack at a shopping center and gas station in Be’er Sheva. Beautiful, innocent souls,...
I. Freedom of the Will Pesach is the holiday of freedom, when G-d redeemed us from slavery. But has that freedom continued with us, even after we subsequently were oppressed and...
This week’s parshah, Tazria, tells us about tzoraas, a blemish that appears upon the skin of one who is speaking lashon hara. A physical reaction to a spiritual misaction, an...
INGREDIENTS: 1/2 lb. Matza farfel 1/2 c oil 1/2 c brown sugar 1/2 stick butter/margarine 1/2 c water 1/2 c chopped almonds 1 tsp cinnamon Craisins to taste Chocolate chips to taste Cut up dried fruit to taste DIRECTIONS: Who says you...
The Torah mentions several times that the purpose of all the miracles connected with Yetziat Mitzrayim was to demonstrate the existence of Hashem, his power, and all the principles of our faith to the Jewish people....