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    In Parashat Tetzaveh, the Torah elaborates at great length on the topic of the bigdeh kehuna, the special garments worn by the kohanim. Every kohen was to wear four special garments, and the kohen gadol wore an...

    The Symbolism of Haman’s Offer of Silver Shekels The Megillah [Esther 3:9] states that Haman offered to increase the King’s coffers by 10,000 kikar silver in exchange for the right to get rid of the Jews. (Tosfos in Tractate Megillah...

    The Chasam Sofer (Drushim p.245) writes, “I received from Reb Mendele Lilig zt’l, the Rav of Frankfort, who received the tradition from the יעקב שב that who- ever studies Torah be- tween the megillah reading at night and the megillah...

    Many commentators noted that Parashat Tesaveh is unusual, in that Moshe Rabbenu’s name does not appear anywhere in this Parasha. It is one of the only Parashiyot since the account of Moshe’s birth (in Parashat Shemot) that omits...

    On Shabbat Zach- or, we read the final three verses in Para- shat Ki-Teseh which command us to remember the unprovoked attack launched against our ancestors when they left Egypt by the nation of Amalek. This attack oc- curred...

    This past Shabbos, we blessed the new month of Adar. The month we celebrate the miracle of Purim. The month we are commanded to read Zachor – Remember. To remember the brazenness and cruelty...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I was dating a guy for 3 months, and I fell hard for him. We had common goals, and enjoyed speaking about all things pre-law. We spoke night...

    Purim is a very exciting time, and some people spend a lot of time planning their costumes. What is the source of this custom? What are some of the reasons for this practice? Is it permitted to daven...