HOW RACHEL TAUGHT HER CHILD—AND THE WORLD—THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS WHAT’S THE SHAME? It is a perplexing response in this week’s Torah portion, Vayeitzei. Rachel, who has been childless for many...
HOW RACHEL TAUGHT HER CHILD—AND THE WORLD—THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS WHAT’S THE SHAME? It is a perplexing response in this week’s Torah portion, Vayeitzei. Rachel, who has been childless for many...
In many shuls, the question arises regarding waiting when a rabbi is taking time for shemone esrei and people are getting edgy, since they have to make the train to...
Parashat Vayetzeh begins with Yaakov Avinu’s journey from the Land of Israel to Haran, where he was to get married and build a family. The Torah tells us that as...
There is famous brief Hebrew poem composed by one of the Jewish philosophers of the middle ages that runs as follows, “he’avar ayin, he’asid adayin, he’hoveh k’heref ayin, da’aga minyain?...
The Midrash relates that when Yaakob left his parents’ home to flee from his brother, Esav, who wanted to kill him in revenge for his “stealing” Yishak’s blessings, Esav instructed...
There once was a family that moved to a home near the forest. The father said to his young son, “Don’t ever climb over the gate because there are wild...
Rivkah Imeinu had a very dramatic pregnancy. The posuk informs us, “Va’yisrotz’tzu habonim b’kirbah – And the twins ran (and wrestled) inside of her.” The Medrash elaborates, as cited by...
The story is told that one day, as a small child, Thomas Edison came home from school and gave a paper to his mother. He said, “Mom, my teacher gave...
The concept of “Bashert,” a person’s soulmate, warms the heart and plays into our notions of romance. The Gemara (Sotah 2a) says that forty days before the creation of a...
INGREDIENTS: 1 15-ounce can pumpkin puree 1/2 cup vegetable or another neutral cooking oil 3 large eggs 1 2/3 cups granulated sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 teaspoon fine sea or table...