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    UNSTUFFED CABBAGE INGREDIENTS: 1 (750 ml) bottle ketchup 1 liter ginger ale 1 whole cabbage, very coarsely shredded 2 lb ground beef 1 onion 1⁄2 cup rice 2 eggs garlic powder paprika freshly ground black pepper & salt DIRECTIONS: First night Succos, we always have...

    1. Walls of the Sukkah: - Minimum Requirement: The sukkah must have at least two full walls and part of a third wall. The two full walls should be at least 7 tefachim wide (approximately 56- 70 cm),...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m hoping you can help me. I have been friends with this guy for the past few years. We get along well and I have strong feelings for...

    On the one hand, never before have Jews been as prosperous as they are now. Both the vast majority of individuals and the community in general are currently blessed with wealth well beyond what we have experienced in...

    In our Yom Tov prayer text, Sukkot is called z’man simchateinu – “our festival of joy.” The primary theme of Sukkot is simcha – joy. What exactly is the connection between Sukkot and joy? A number of...

    The Torah reading on Simchas Torah contains the well- known pasuk: “The Torah was commanded to us by Moshe, a Morasha [inheritance] to the Congregation of Yaakov.” [Devorim 33:4] There is an interesting teaching in the Talmud Yerushalmi: Everywhere we find...

    The day which we normally refer to as “Yom Kippur” is actually called in the Torah by a slightly different name – “Yom Kippurim.” The name “Yom Kippur means “Day of Atonement,” whereas “Yom Kippurim” is a...

    We are just days away from Yom Kippur. A time for us to reckon with our past, and daven for our future. A time to look inward, and search for ways to improve ourselves. This...