Four times a year we read in the Torah about ma’amad har Sinai: on Shabbos when we lein the parshas of Yisro, V’eschanan, and Eikev, and on Shavuos. According to...
The recent decision to discontinue selling Ben and Jerry’s ice cream in selected areas of Israel has roused the Jewish world, supporters of Israel, and opponents of economic boycotting. Fortunately,...
Can one open a bottle of soda or can of tuna on Shabbos? If I hold that it’s ok to open and my friend does not, can I open the...
INGREDIENTS: 3 -4 lb second cut brisket or deckle 1 1/2 cups water 2 tsp seasoned salt 2 tsp garlic powder 1 1/3 cup balsamic vinegar 1 cup ketchup 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/2 cup honey 2 tbsp...
Position of One’s Bed The Gemara says that a bed should be placed from north to south. One who does so will have male children, and his wife will not miscarry. The head should be to the north and feet...
The tenth and final of the Ten Commandments recorded in this week’s portion (Vaeschanan) reads: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife; you shall not covet your neighbor’s house, nor his field, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant,...
In our daily Krias Shema, we say, “V’ahvata es Hashem Elokecha – And you should love Hashem Your Go-d.” Both the Rokei’ach and the Baal HaTurim reveal that the word v’ahavta is an anagram of ha’Avos, our Patriarchs, referring to Avraham,...
Some - body once showed me the “Ask the Rabbi” c o l u m n that was printed in a certain magazine (that is not connected to our community). The question was posed by a man who had decided...