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    In one possuk at the end of parshas Va’eschanan (7:3) the Torah prohibits both forms of intermarriage: a Jewish man may not take a non-Jewish woman, nor may a Jewish woman marry a non-Jewish man. In Shulchan...

    Five conversations that should take place over the course of dating and even within marriage itself. What are the critical things to look for in dating to determine if someone is suitable for marriage? Drs. John and...

    There was a bachur who was having difficulty controlling his anger, so he asked the mashgiach of his yeshiva for counsel. The mashgiach told him the following mashal: A band of robbers boarded...

    The Shabbat after Tisha B’Ab is known as “Shabbat Nahamu,” the “Shabbat of consolation.” This name is based on the famous prophecy which we read as the Haftara on this Shabbat, which begins with the words, “Nahamu...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 Cup Ketchup 1/3 cup soy sauce 4 teaspoons ground ginger 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 3 pounds chicken drumettes Optional: Sliced green onions   DIRECTIONS: In a small bowl, combine the first 5 ingredients.  Pour 1 cup marinade into...

    Many actions are forbidden on Tishah B’Aav, including learning. What is the reason for this? What kind of learning is prohibited? Does this apply to teaching children as well? These...

    I. Havdalah Options Havdalah separates between the sanctity of Shabbos and the regular nature of the week. We must observe the prohibitions of Shabbos until we say Havdalah. Additionally, we...

    Here on the eastern seaboard, we’ve been having an unusual amount of torrential rain. When viewing this casually, especially during the summer months, we consider rain a big nuisance. It...