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    All of us, I imagine, find life stressful. But at least for most of us, it doesn’t have to be this way. The Torah in Parashat Naso discusses the laws of...

    A first grade melamed was confronted with a problem; one of the students of his class was stealing. He first realized that there was a problem when the children of...

    The posuk in Bamidbar 6:23 says that Hashem commanded Aharon and his sons to bless the Yidden. The Sefer Metzach Aharon discusses an interesting question. Why did Hashem choose the...

    I. Misleading Messages One of the approaches to respond to the biblical challenge of the age of the universe is the theory that the world was created fully grown, so to...

    Jews don’t count people. Instead the Torah creates a system of tabulating the population without actually counting human beings. This indirect counting scheme is delineated in parshat Ki Tisa: each...