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    Ladders to Heaven The navi Zecharyah foresaw a great mourning in the future, as it states, “On that day, there will be a great eulogy in Yerushalayim…” (Zecharyah 12:11). The...

    Throughout the ages, there have been different practices regarding keeping tzitzis tucked into pants or out. In addition, Chassidim wear their tzitzis garment over their shirt, while Ashkenazim wear it...

    Should we be careful to wear tzitzis when praying the evening ma’ariv service? Rav Mordechai Eliyahu (Responsa Ma’amar Mordechai, vol. 2 no. 3) explores this question. I. TZITZIS WHILE DAVENING The argument...

    In Shul, many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis...