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    INGREDIENTS: 4 eggs 1 cup sugar 1⁄2 c oil 3⁄4 c orange juice 1 tsp vanilla 5 cups flour 2 tsp. baking powder Fillings: Apricot, Prune, Raspberry, Chocolate Chip, Cookie Dough, Lemon Curd, Smores – fluff, chocolate chips...

    The mazal of the month of Adar is Dagim. The Klausenberger Rebbe zt’l said that this month, which is represented by fish, is a month of happiness, since while lions...

    I. No Mention of Adar  The Gemara (Ta’anis 29a) famously says that when Adar begins, we increase joy. While this saying is often quoted, standard codes omit it. Rambam (12th cen.,...

    The Rema 695 says there is a mitzvah to be marbeh in seudas Purim. Any meal a person eats on Purim that is lichvod Purim is included in the above...