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    The posuk in Bereishis 23:2 says that Avraham came to be maspid Sarah and cry over her death. Reb Reuven Feinstein, at the hesped of his brother Reb Dovid Feinstein,...

    The passing of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l leaves thousands if not millions of people of faith — Orthodox and non-Orthodox, Jewish and gentile — mourning their teacher and source...

    Unfortunately, in the last two weeks, COVID-19 hospitalizations have increased 16 percent across the nation and coronavirus is still wreaking havoc across the world causing much of Italy to go...

    The Torah tells us that when our mother, Sara, died Avraham refused to bury her in the general municipal cemetery. He insisted on designating a separate location as kever yisroel....

    Parashat Chayei Sarah tells of the death of our matriarch Sarah, Avraham’s wife. Sarah was originally named “Sarai,” and only later (Bereishit, chapter 17) did G-d change her name to...

    In Parshas Chaya Sarah we can study all about shidduchim. One of the primary lessons is to know that shidduchim are arranged by Hashem. It’s not because I chose, or...