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    Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (d. 1973) was the leading halachic decisor in America of his day. He was the address for the most difficult halachic problems. Additionally, as the President...

    The Midrash (Bereishis Rabba 39) gives the following mashal: “A traveler saw a mansion on fire. He said, ‘Could it be that this home doesn’t have an owner?’ The owner...

    INGREDIENTS: 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil 1 cup chopped yellow onions 3 garlic cloves, smashed 2 heaping cups chopped carrots 1 1/2 teaspoons grated fresh ginger 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar 3 to 4 cups vegetable broth Sea...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira,  I am responding to the lovely girl who was upset that she was not getting any dates due to the mothers of the boys who rejected her....

    Hashem commanded Noach in Bereishis 6:22 to bring all types of food into the Teiva for you (Noach and family) and them (all animals) to eat. The Gemara in Berachos...

    In Parashat Noach, we are introduced to the rainbow. HaKadosh Barukh Hu promises that He will never destroy the world again and uses a rainbow as a reminder of this...

    Recently, with the help of Hashem, I’ve was asked to film shiurim on the remarkable series of learning known as Chok l’Yisroel, or more simply, the Chok. This is a...