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    You can avoid compounding the pain of your loved ones when you are gone. Death is a highly uncomfortable and awkward subject. As a result, most people do all they can to avoid the subject altogether. While we would...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, My wife came from a frum household and prefers to cover her hair with a teichel, however she doesn’t cover all her hair and half of her...

    INGREDIENTS: 2 tablespoons sesame oil 16 ounces sliced baby Bella mushrooms 2 tablespoons soy sauce or coconut amino 1 tablespoon silan 2 teaspoons sesame seeds One head cabbage, shredded Juice of one lemon 2 tablespoons white vinegar Salt to taste DIRECTIONS: Here’s...

    In shul many men place their tallis over their head for the entire davening. Some do so only after Barchu, while others do not cover their head with a tallis at all. What is the reasoning behind covering...

    Teshuvah, repentance, is about returning to G-d after sin. However, it is not enough to change yourself. You also have to attempt to undo your sin, to fix what you broke. “And he shall return what he stole”...

    There was once a man who was mired in financial ruin, drowning in oceans of debt and without a job, and who was walking with his son when they passed by a store. The son said...

    The incredible opportunities of the days of Elul for returning to Hashem and acceptance of our repentance and prayers can be seen from an awesome statement of the Ben Ish Chai in one of his letters. He writes...

    Tehillim The Rashab of Lubavitz zt’l once said, “Elul is the season for saying Tehillim.” (He said this when he sent his gabbai to buy him a Tehillim in Elul. Shaar HaMelech (1:2) encourages saying Tehillim every day in Elul after Shacharis....