25 Aug Teshuva During The Corona Crisis
Summer has concluded, schools have “restarted” and the scent of Ellul is in the air- punctuated every morning by the blaring shofar and at night by solemn selichot. Our religious...
Summer has concluded, schools have “restarted” and the scent of Ellul is in the air- punctuated every morning by the blaring shofar and at night by solemn selichot. Our religious...
Dear Rabbi and Shira, I am dating Mr. Popular. He is gregarious, funny, giving and very attentive to everyone’s needs. He is the type of guy that will go out of...
TWO PHASES In a military class the professor asked the students, “What is the difference between an engagement and a battle?” No one in the group offered any answer. The...
These days we are dealing with a somersault of emotions. The summer is coming to a close and many of us say we can’t believe it’s already over. We are...
Shortly after my shul, BRS shut down in March, someone said to me, almost half-jokingly, “Imagine if things are still like this for Rosh Hashanah.” I vividly remember dismissing the...
Towards the end of Parashat Ki-Teseh, the Torah presents the Misva of Yibum, which applies when a married man dies without children. His brother is required to marry the widow,...
The parashah begins with the laws regarding wars. We know that the Torah is eternal and applicable in every generation. So how should we read this verse in our generation,...
The 1848 (5608-9) cholera epidemic has become famous in Jewish history because it was the moment when the 37-year old Rav Yisrael Salanter first took on a leadership role. Rav...
INGREDIENTS: 1 1/2 cups watermelon, seeded and diced 1/2 cup water 1 tablespoon honey 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice 1 tablespoon white sugar DIRECTIONS: Blend watermelon, water, honey, lemon juice, and sugar together in a blender until...
The Torah in Devarim 17:17 tells us that a king may not marry too many women as they might turn his heart away from Yiddishkeit. Similarly, he may not accumulate...