23 Jun Q&A With Sullivan County Sheriff Michael Schiff
How is Sullivan County doing these days? How badly has Corona affected Sullivan County? It was hit quite hard. All of the restaurants and stores were closed. It impacted the...
How is Sullivan County doing these days? How badly has Corona affected Sullivan County? It was hit quite hard. All of the restaurants and stores were closed. It impacted the...
“They Fell on their Faces” It states in this week’s parasha (16:20-21), Hashem said to Moshe and Aharon”, Separate yourselves from this assembly, and I will destroy them in a moment.’” Moshe...
The posuk in Bamidbar 17:31 says, “As soon as Moshe finished talking to them, the ground opened up and swallowed them.” The kashya is, why didn’t Moshe daven that Korach...
I’m hosting a picnic and some people prefer fish to meat. Can I grill both of them together? The Gemara (Pesachim 76b) teaches that one may not cook fish and meat...
WISE OR BOORISH? This week’s parsha, Korach, relates the tragic story of the mutiny staged by a man named Korach (Numbers chapter 16), who organized a rebellion against Moses and Aaron,...
One of the most fundamental missions of a Torah Jew can be found in the Rambam at the end of the Laws of Chanukah. There, he states, “Kol HaTorah kula...
The Talmud (Berachos 8a) refers to the body of the halacha as “the four amos of halacha”. We had a rebbe at Yeshiva who was fond of pointing out that...
The Torah tells us explicitly that Bnei Yisrael were forced to wander in the desert for forty years as a corresponding punishment for the forty days the spies spent in...
Our Sages teach that the divine Name of “Havaya,” which is spelled with the letters “Yod,” “Heh,” “Vav” and “Heh,” is the source of all blessing in the world. These...
During the recent protests society has begun to face important dilemmas regarding monuments which commemorate national heroes whose lifestyles were discrepant with current norms of racial equality. Some monuments celebrate...