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    In Meseches Megilla 17b the gemara explains why Chazal were mesaken to ask for refuah in the eighth bracha of shemoneh esrei. Rav Acha explains that since milah, which requires...

    TEVILAS KEILIM WHEN THE MIKVAH IS CLOSED Aside from the mitzvah of performing Tevilas Keilim, there is a prohibition to use metal and glass dishes and utensils prior to their immersion...

    In Tur Orach Chaim 430, he explains why the Shabbos before Pesach is called Shabbos Hagadol. A great miracle happened in Mitzrayim. Hashem had commanded the Bnei Yisroel to take...

    Dear Readers! First and foremost, I hope that you are healthy, safe and well. Furthermore, I hope that Hashem has given you and your loved ones the ability to shelter...

    Dear Rabbi and Shira, I’m not sure what to do. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been locked up in a very cramped apartment with my husband of only three...

    Can you kasher your BBQ grill? It’s very difficult to kasher your BBQ grill. You need to make sure it’s perfectly clean. There can’t be any residue or grease and...